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The first batch of | Warm congratulations to Dongxu kangtu successfully selected in the list of the first batch of integrated production and education

Views : 6470
Update time : 2020-04-26 11:55:00

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a document announcing the list of the first batch of enterprises in Anhui province to build and cultivate the integration of production and education. A total of 40 units in the province were selected, and Dongxu kangtu was awarded the list. This honor is a full affirmation of our company's work of promoting the integration of production and education, which will give full play to the main role of enterprises, effectively promote school-enterprise cooperation, and continuously promote the integration of production and education with high-quality development.


The Enterprise of integration of production and education aims to solve the problems of "Where does the innovation power come from" and "Where does the innovation of scientific and technological achievements go, it is helpful to solve the structural employment contradiction of excessive supply of manpower in traditional industries and insufficient supply of talents in emerging industries.

It deeply participates in the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, and plays an important role in the running of vocational colleges and universities and deepening the reform. At the same time, it has created greater social value, it has a strong leading and demonstration effect on improving the quality of technical and skilled personnel training and enhancing competitiveness.

Promoting the integration of production and education Dongxu kangtu demonstration leading

under the guidance of Dongxu blue sky, Dongxu kangtu has been making continuous efforts in personnel training, scientific and technological innovation and integration of production and education.


I. This successful selection is a full affirmation of our company's active promotion of the integration of production and education in the past. After years of hard work, Dongxu kangtu's integration of production and education has achieved fruitful results.

Since 2017, Dongxu kangtu has established a school-enterprise cooperation relationship with West Anhui University. It has been authorized by the leading group for the employment of high-efficiency graduates in Lu 'an city and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Lu 'an city, and has become an employment trainee base for college graduates, west Anhui University enterprise cooperation base.


In 2018, Dongxu kangtu combined with more than 10 key colleges and universities such as Anhui University, Hefei University and Anhui Jinzhai Vocational and Technical College to establish a multi-level and long-term close "production, study and research" cooperative relationship, we have formed strategic alliances in technology development and personnel training, and achieved fruitful innovative results, which have been highly recognized by local government leaders, and awarded the Ministry of Education "modern apprenticeship pilot unit" and "internship workshop" and other titles.


In order to give full play to the integration advantages of School and enterprise in talent cultivation, the company will assign management personnel in technology, quality and other aspects to do special training for students every year, up to now, more than 500 students have been trained and more than 100 summer interns and graduation interns have been trained.


Second, this successful selection will further help Dongxu kangtu to continue to deepen the integration of production and education, cultivate more outstanding innovative and technical talents, and jointly promote the coordinated development of schools and enterprises.

Dongxu kangtu, as a key investment attraction enterprise of Jinzhai County local government, has a modern intelligent factory, perfect quality system and high-quality products. It is a collection of component manufacturing, research and development, sales as one large high-end photovoltaic module manufacturing base and high-tech enterprises.

Centering on the principle of "science and technology are the primary productive forces", the company constantly perfects the technological innovation system. Through introducing, digesting and absorbing key technologies, while improving the product development and technological innovation of the enterprise, strengthen the combination of production, learning and research, and actively optimize the supply of innovative elements such as talents, technology and management, so that enterprises have outstanding technological advantages in the industry, it has greatly improved the strength of enterprises to participate in domestic and foreign market competition and realized mutual promotion and common development between schools and enterprises.

In addition, relying on the comprehensive advantages of professional team, advanced technology, precision manufacturing, all-round quality control and high standards, Dongxu kangtu has won successively "National High-Tech Enterprise", "National Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Integration Management System Certification", "Anhui Economic and Information Office intelligent factory evaluation", "Anhui Digital Workshop", "Anhui enterprise technology center" such as honorary titles.

It is reported that in order to further play the leading role of enterprises integrating production and education, Anhui Jinzhai Technician College plans to cooperate with Dongxu kangtu to build a photovoltaic training base, at that time, it will be able to provide more than 700 relevant professional technicians to the society every year.

At the same time, the pilot enterprises will be included in the construction and cultivation database of the provincial integration of industry and education. After at least one year of construction and cultivation period, enterprises that have entered the national integrated enterprise certification catalogue after application and review will enjoy relevant national support policies.


This time, Dongxu kangtu will take this opportunity to vigorously build a new engine for the development of Dongxu kangtu. In the future, under the guidance of governments at all levels, the company will further explore the advantages of enterprises, consolidate the achievements made in the existing school-enterprise cooperation work, continuously expand the field of school-enterprise cooperation, and focus on the major strategies and industrial layout of provinces and cities, give full play to the main role of enterprises and continuously promote the high-quality development of the integration of production and education.
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