Company News

Leading care deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee Xin Changxing and his party went to Dongxu kangtu to investigate and supervise the wor

Views : 6662
Update time : 2020-03-05 11:44:00


On March 4, Xin Changxing, deputy secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, Zhong Junjie, deputy secretary-general of the provincial Party committee, Yan Xiaochun, secretary of the party group of the provincial science and technology department, and Jin Weijia, director of the Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, and other provincial supervision teams visited Dongxu kangtu, special supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and resumption of production, Lu Luzhong, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, mayor of the municipal government and Party secretary, participated in the investigation, Wang Dong, deputy secretary of the Jinzhai county Party committee and county magistrate, member of the county Party committee and secretary of the Development Zone Working Committee, yang Chuanyin, director of the management committee, and other relevant leaders accompanied the reception. Wu Guohua, head of the Dongxu kangtu epidemic prevention and control leading group and general manager, accompanied the reception.


During the investigation, Wu Guohua gave a brief report to Secretary Xin Changxing and his party on the general situation of the enterprise, epidemic prevention and control, staff return to work, production and operation, etc. After listening to the report, secretary Xin Changxing first fully affirmed the company's outstanding achievements in epidemic prevention and control. He pointed out that coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of the enterprise is both a major war and a major test. The enterprise should continue to maintain its wartime state and do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic and other related work, at the same time, we will speed up the work progress in an all-round way, and strive to get back the delayed time and minimize the impact of the epidemic.

Later, Secretary Xin Changxing and his party visited the company's component production workshop to learn more about the manufacturing process and technical advantages of high-efficiency half-piece components, and asked about the company's production, operation and sales in recent years, he also affirmed the strong development momentum of Dongxu kangtu.


Finally, Secretary Xin Changxing inquired in detail about the company's current difficulties and problems and put forward practical solutions to the problems. He asked all departments to continue to promote the implementation of various policies to support enterprises to resume work and resume production, help solve practical difficulties, and support enterprises to protect the market, share and order, at the same time, Dongxu kangtu is encouraged to compact the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, continue to do a good job in various production work, develop ideas, strive to increase market share, and be a good leader in local economic development.


"Dongxu kangtu will strictly follow the deployment requirements of leaders at all levels, do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control, orderly and effectively promote the company's resumption of production, and further increase market development, strive to contribute corporate strength to local economic and social development." Wu Guohua said.


Under the care of the government leaders, the company has been given priority to the rapid detection of body temperature equipment, which effectively improves the detection efficiency and accuracy, and further promotes the efficient production and operation of the company. At present, kangtu focuses on prevention and control and promotes production. In the case of effective prevention and control of the epidemic, according to the unified deployment of the group and the efforts of all employees, the company has basically achieved full production, will fully meet the various needs of the market.
